Imaan Merali
Based in London (Archway)
Speech and Language Therapist
Working with children has always been a must for me and when I stumbled across Speech and Language Therapy there was no turning back. Being able to work with a variety of children with such different personalities, qualities and abilities is something which I am most grateful for. I also must mention that I am extremely appreciative for being able to relive my childhood as part of my job, whether that’s through singing nursery rhymes, playing with wind-up toys or just blowing bubbles, it never fails to excite me!
My favourite word is ‘Contentment’. Contentment is the state of being happy and satisfied, but its not an overjoyed or excited type of happy, yet rather it is the feeling of being fulfilled with what you have. It is about having a peaceful state of mind.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Social Communication Difficulties
“You presume you are a small entity but within you is enfolded the entire universe.”