Iona Dalziel-Moran
Based in Milton Keynes/St Albans
Clinic Manager (St Albans) & Specialist Speech and Language Therapist
Being able to communicate and connect with others is a key aspect of being human. Working as a speech and language therapist allows me to help children to express their wants and needs, form relationships and achieve their potential.
It’s a privilege to be in a career that is rewarding and fun and allows me to play all day!
My favourite word is ‘Serendipity’ - making a pleasant discovery by accident. I like how the word sounds and appreciate the elements of magic and mystery in its meaning.
Cleft palates
Speech sound disorders
Developmental language delay
Early years
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Camperdown programme
Introduction to Sensory Integration
“However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.”