Sofia Ripa
Based in Cambridge
Speech and Language Therapist
I first heard about the career of Speech and Language Therapy while studying for my BA in Linguistics at university, and it immediately resonated with my passion for phonetics and phonology. Witnessing a family friend learn to use an AAC device for communication further inspired me to pursue this field. I wanted to work in Speech and Language Therapy because of the profound impact it has on individuals' lives, helping them overcome communication barriers and achieve their full potential. What I love most about it is the opportunity to work closely with diverse clients, tailor interventions to their unique needs, and see their progress firsthand. The blend of science, empathy, and creativity in this field makes every day fulfilling and rewarding.
My favorite word is "resonance." It beautifully captures the essence of how sounds can reverberate and connect us to one another, which is at the heart of effective communication and my work in Speech and Language Therapy.
Head and neck cancer
Makaton Level 1
“It’s not about what it is, it’s about what it can become.”