Emma Vaughan
Based in St Albans
Speech and Language Therapist
There was never a point after receiving my son’s Down Syndrome diagnosis that I believed it would lead to a new career for me. However, having witnessed first-hand the positive impact on family life that Speech and Language therapy can have, I am now privileged to support and advocate for families throughout their individual journeys and it was the best decision I ever made!
Working as a Speech and Language Therapist allows me to work holistically with each child, their family and support network, ensuring they are empowered and supported to reach their own unique communicative potential. I believe that everyone deserves a voice, and all methods of communication should be equally valued.
My favourite word is ‘Ohana”; a Hawaiian word referring to extended family, including friends and other important social groups, reminding us that no one gets left behind, or forgotten.
Down Syndrome
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Complex Needs
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Makaton Levels 1-4
Using Makaton with Singing
Makaton Safeguarding
Shape Coding
“The very things that hold you down are going to lift you up!”