Caleb Jackson

Caleb Jackson

Based in Birmingham

Speech and Language Therapist

Tēnā koutou!

I am born and raised in New Zealand, and have recently moved to the UK for work. I’m thoroughly enjoying exploring a new way of doing things, and look forward to experiencing more of what the UK and Europe have to offer.

My lifelong fascination with language has led me to completing degrees in Linguistics as well as Speech and Language Therapy — one degree in how words work, and another in how to fix them when they break! Speech and Language Therapy gives me a way to create a functional difference in the lives of people around me, all the while reading nursery rhymes and blowing bubbles. Where else can you talk about dinosaurs for an hour and call it therapy?

I believe that every person’s communication strengths and needs are unique, so no approach should be the same. Working collaboratively with whānau (family) and kaiako (teachers) to provide holistic care that goes beyond just the physical is key to creating the best outcomes for each person. 

I have a particular love for working with young adults with high and complex needs (such as Autism, CP, PTSD), acquired neurological disorders (such as stroke or brain injury), the d/Deaf community, and within the Queer community (such as transgender voice). 

Ngā mihi nui.

My favourite word is “togs”. It’s New Zealand slang for swimsuit or bathing costume, and truly the best way to out myself as a Kiwi! I remember completely forgetting it was not standard and getting some very strange looks when I first moved to the UK. It also just sound great to say!

    • High and complex needs

    • Transgender voice

    • Fluency

    • Neurodiversity

    • Language acquisition

    • Aphasia

    • Adult and paediatric dysphagia

    • Lidcombe

    • Syllable-timed speech

    • Intensive Interaction

    • TouchChat and LAMP AAC applications

    • Biofeedback in Strength and Skill Training (BiSSkiT)

    • Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD)

    • Zones of Regulation

    • Better Start Literacy Approach by Gail Gillon

    • Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile (MBSImP)

    • Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT)

    • Praat speech analysis

    • Cleft lip/palate management

Never be cruel. Never be cowardly. Remember, hate is always foolish and love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.
— Second Doctor, Twice Upon A Time