Aaroosa Khan
Based in London (Greenwich)
Speech and Language Therapist
The ability to communicate comes naturally to most people and is often taken for granted. When individuals lose the ability to communicate, it can severely impact their relationships, well-being, and motivation. As a Speech and Language Therapist, I can help individuals develop their ability to communicate and express themselves, boosting their confidence and enhancing their interactions with others. I particularly enjoy the moment when a breakthrough happens during therapy—whether it's saying a new word, communicating their needs more clearly, or making progress in their therapy goals. Seeing how these improvements can positively affect an individual's social and emotional development is truly fulfilling.
My favourite word is "Portmanteau". It refers to a word that has been created by borrowing the sounds and meanings from existing words. For example, "brunch" is a portmanteau of "breakfast" and "lunch". The possibilities of creating portmanteaus are endless, which I love.
Developmental Language Disorder
“Human minds are more full of mysteries than any written book and more changeable than the cloud shapes in the air.”